
Food & Related products

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Food & related products

Some of the food items are:

  • Dryfruits & Nuts
  • Spices & Saffron
  • Coffee,Tea & Natural Honey
  • Vegetables & Fruits
  • Coconut & Truffles
  • Juices,Grains-All Types
  • Rice,Wheat,Pulses & Seeds
  • Sugar & Salt
  • Milk Powder, Ghee, Butter & Cheese
  • Pickles,Jam,Ketchup/Sauce
  • Margarine,Mayonnaise
  • Cooking Oil/Edible Oil
  • Bakery Products
  • Cakes,Biscuits, Choloates
  • Peanut Butter
  • Sea Food & Caviar
  • Egg , chicken & Mutton
  • Frozen Food & Fresh Water
  • Agro & Herbs
  • Misc Frozen Food Items

Explore a wide range of supreme quality food & related products for all our delighted customers across the globe. From high quality dry fruits & nuts to flavorful Indian spices, coffee, tea, and grains, we have a whole gamut of food and ready to eat products that meet the growing food requirement of the world. At one-stop platform of Crave & Cart under the flagship of Cheeramattom Business Solutions Pvt Ltd, you could find incredibly fresh food & related products like vegetables & fruits, coconut & truffles, juices, grains – rice & wheat, pulses & seeds, sugar & salt, dry fruits & nuts, spices & saffron, coffee, tea & natural honey, milk powder, ghee, butter & cheese, pickles, jam, ketchup/ sauce, margarine, mayonnaise, cooking oil/ edible oil, bakery products, cakes, biscuits, chocolates, peanut butter, sea food & caviar, egg , chicken & mutton, agro & herbs, frozen food & fresh water, and other miscellaneous frozen food items.

With immense precision and outmost care, we sort all types of food varieties to make it edible and nutritious for consuming. We source our food products from reliable food processors with an aim to improve the standard and quality of the food we take in. Customers can browse through our premium variety food items that are available at budget-friendly prices. From sourcing to packing and supplying, we adopt international standards to go beyond the expectations of our international customers. The in-house team of professionals at Crave & Cart ensures that our food and related products are transported with tight security and complies with global import/ export laws.

A part from meeting the unique food requirements of the growing population, we are committed to offer good nutrient-rich food products that are capable of building a strong and healthy community all over the world. Order the best quality food products from Crave & Cart to enjoy the happiness of food freedom forever!

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