
About Us

Phasellus dolor nibh, mollis nec mattis in, volutpat id dui. Sed vehicula condimentum mi vitae iaculis. Phasellus neque tellus, sollicitudin at aliquet ac, hendrerit nec ipsum.



Ours is a One-Stop Platform for Buyers to enquire what our Sellers have to Offer to Sell.
Once a product is chosen and the Specifications match the Exact Requirements to the minutest details, then we at Cheeramattom Business Solutions will spring into action to wrap-up the Sale.
It goes without saying that the Terms and Conditions with Specific Reference to the Price, Packaging, Labelling, Export & Import Requirements as Proposed by the Seller are acceptable to the Buyer.

Cheeramattom Business Solutions will then steer the rest of the Operational Aspects, to ensure the Goods are Shipped according to the selected mode of Transportation.

It is our Motto to Source for any given Product which best suits the needs of the Buyer.

To Provide an exceptional Supply Chain Service to our clients across the globe.

Our Experience and Capabilities and Services that we are able to extend have stood up to the tests of being able to deliver to maximise the profitability of all our Clients.

Cheeramattom Business Solutions Private Limited, a Supply Chain house based in the Indian Sub-Continent, having tie-up with partners in Asia-Africa-Europe Americas, Australia and New Zealand.
In this ever-changing space of Buying and Selling of Goods and Services,we have battled the odds and we have emerged.
Our Select Band of Real Buyers And Real Sellers are the mainstay of our Business.
We do have a very proactive pool of Buyers and Sellers in the Sphere of International Trade.

We have taken all steps to ensure that our Buyers and Sellers are chosen after a meticulous due diligence of their capabilities to be able to excel far above the set International Standards!

With our Clients, we have nurtured very stable and long-standing relationships.
We maintain excellent rapport with both our Sellers and Buyers and are able to provide the best of services at all times.

– Passionate
– Efficient
– Cost Effective
– Accurate
– State of the Art Techniques
– Well Organised and Streamlined to the core.
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